E-Mail: TheArtOfAnnAria@yahoo.com

Thanks so much!
Thank you so much! Cheers 🙂
Ann, is easily one of the most creative people I’ve ever met, and she not only recognizes beauty around her,…
Thanks so much Michel! Cheers 🙂
Thank you 🙂
© Copyright 2022 The Art of Ann Aria Burstyn Inc. All rights reserved.
The Art of Ann Aria Burstyn Inc. Mississauga, Ontario, Canada Email: TheArtOfAnnAria@yahoo.com
This site represents the original artwork, photography, music and writings of Canadian Wildlife Artist, Wildlife Photographer, Musician and Writer Ann Aria Burstyn and is protected by Canadian and International copyright laws. Wildlife Artists, Wildlife Photographers, Writers and Musicians within Canada legally own and reserve all rights to their intellectual property, which is registered with the Canadian Copyright Office and is protected by Canadian and International Copyright Laws. This means it is illegal to print, electronically copy any content from this website, social media and or any printed materials without prior written permission from The Art of Ann Aria Burstyn Inc. Failure to get permission is in violation of Canadian and International copyright laws.
Welcome. Please feel free to comment with any general feedback or inquiries….
Wonderful website, my friend!! Love the information you reveal of all your many talents! Good luck with all your endeavors, I know you can accomplish anything you put your mind to. You’ve already accomplished so much in the world of music, art and photography!! Every photo you post is a lesson for me on how to improve as well. 🙂
Thank you kindly Steve! I wish you all the best in all your endeavors as well. You are always an inspiration to me and many others. Cheers! Ann~
Bonjour Ann Elisabeth,
Votre site est super ! Seul bémol, la couleur rouge sur fond noir est difficile à lire. J’espère que cela vous permettra d’être plus connue. Votre voix est, je trouve, superbe. Merci beaucoup.
Your friendship
Merci beaucoup Jacques! I’ll have to look into the “red on black” portions because I mostly see from my end, white on black. Cheers and thank you again!